• From The BBC:

    Emergency talks have been held up between Italy’s government, investors and trade unions over attempts to save the airline Alitalia from collapse.
    The government has been trying to broker a rescue package with investors, which would involve a sell-off of profitable parts of the airline.
    A meeting originally convened for 1800 Italian time (1600GMT) has been pushed back to 2200 Italian time (2000 GMT).
    If no deal is reached, Alitalia, could go into liquidation next week.
    With the airline saying it is running out of money to buy aviation fuel, the government needs to persuade unions to back a deal that involves job cuts.
    The only offer on the table is from Italian consortium CAI, which only wants Alitalia’s profitable operations.
    Unions have so far rejected this deal as it would mean major job losses.
    The BBC’s Frances Kennedy, in Rome, says informal discussions throughout the day were meant to iron out enough of the obstacles to get the parties back to the table for a final do or…

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    Posted by Jon @ 2:39 pm

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