From The BBC:
An official crackdown has been launched on misleading adverts by claims management firms offering to write-off people’s loans or credit card debts.
Firms guilty of making dubious claims to lure customers could be closed down, the Ministry of Justice has said.
The charity Citizens Advice said there had been a recent “rash” of bogus adverts from claims handling firms.
It said statements that most loan agreements were “unenforceable” were particularly misleading.
“These ads appear to offer an easy way out to people who have credit debts they are struggling to pay,” said Sue Edwards of Citizens Advice.
Some claims firms suggest that any credit card or personal loan agreements struck before April 2007, and worth less than £25,000, may not be enforceable if the credit company does not have sufficiently accurate paperwork.
“But many credit agreements do meet the legal requirements and therefore can’t easily be challenged as unenforceable,” Ms Edwards added.
Criminal offence
The Mini…
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