• From The BBC:

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) has given its long-awaited ruling on the biggest trade dispute in its history.The decision, which is officially confidential, is over whether the European Union gave illegal subsidies to planemaker Airbus as the US argues. The Wall Street Journal and others reported that the WTO had found in favour of the US position. But a UK government source told the BBC that the WTO verdict was much more of a “mixed outcome”. “The decision really questions the wisdom of taking this to the WTO in the first place,” the UK source said. “Boeing will be far from jubilant tonight.” Both US and European diplomats have declined to officially release the ruling, which is more than 1,000 pages long. The decision is not expected to be officially made public for at least several months. Partially upheld?The EU has also made a counter claim against the US for its support of Boeing. A ruling on the EU’s claim against the US is due in the next six to eight months. The ruling on…

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    Posted by Jon @ 3:58 pm

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