• From The BBC:

    Lloyds Banking Group has said it will ask local courts to dismiss thousands of overdraft cases lodged against it for the return of overdraft fees.The claims have been on hold since July 2007 when a group of banks and the Office of Fair Trading started a test case over the fairness of bank charges. The Supreme Court ruled this week that the OFT could not decide the charges were unfair under consumer legislation. Lloyds Banking Group includes both Lloyds TSB and HBOS banks. “As the judgement concludes the test case, the FSA [Financial Services Authority] has agreed that these complaints should no longer remain on hold,” said a statement on the websites of both Lloyds TSB and HBOS. “This means that for those customers who currently have an outstanding complaint about unarranged overdrafts, we’ll be writing to them shortly to let them know what today’s judgment means for them. “We be asking the County and Sheriff Courts to apply the Supreme Court judgement to dismiss any claims they curren…

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    Posted by Jon @ 11:18 pm

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